Friday, February 22, 2013

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory

Sheldon and Amy fight and break up

  The is Big Bang  is my favorite show on TBS. I think that this show is the  best show because, it is very interesting  funny, and serious. My least favorite thing about this show is the time that it comes on. The show is very well scripted and  filmed. My favorite  episode is when Sheldon and Amy broke up. They are both so smart and the way that they speak to each other is so funny. They both however are a very great couple. Out of all of my favorite characters on this show I would say that Sheldonis my favorite because, he is so smart and handsome. The way he talks and makes others sign documents when people moved in. The way that Sheldon knocks on doors' to come in to that space is weird, but it is so cute.

  I am not sure if anything could make this show better. I do think if they had lady Gaga on the show playing the dancing game with the cast  would be the best episode ever. I also like it when they have thier little jokes that it take me a while to understand. If i could change on thing about the show it would be longer and there wouldn't be any comercials. I would love to say that this is the best show ever and nothing can replace this show.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Deep Thoughts

                                 Deep thoughts

 When I think about the word sorrow what do I feel? Maybe I feel like I don't try enough. I might have made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Maybe it's safe to say that I lost touch with someone so close to me that I can't feel anything anymore. It could be that I just lost my way and I need a small push to get back on track.Sometimes you don't mean to hurt someone so close to you but you have done it unconditionally so many times that you stop keeping track. 
   Sometimes you do things that you can't take back. When it seems that you only care about your own happiness then you can lose the the big picture. Most often that not it is best to think before you do things, because  if you don't you might be unhappy with the outcome. I can't even imagine losing my love ones. For me to only to care about myself  is selfish but sometime you need to put yourself first .Timing for me is always wrong for me. I hate to think that I might end up without a family because I keep on burning bridges.

Sorrow is describe as an emotional or mental suffering caused by a loss , disappointment or grief.

Friday, February 8, 2013


   Who am  I too say I am tired?  Who am I to say I can't take it anymore? I brush it off my shoulders and act as if it's not happening. Then I say to myself it will soon end as fast as it began. you push me around and talk about me but I just laugh even though it hurts.In this day and time it is easy to say that they are playing or just talking so how can this really effect me? It's not a problem it's just a way of life you may think. It is so easy to lie to yourself when no one cares. I now that this will never get old but the only things that change is the faces. Someone once told me that "if you act as if it doesn't effect you then they will leave you alone". This might be true in some cases but it does't always work. Sometimes a bully wants a reaction so that they can feel better about themselves. Sometimes a bully wants a laugh at someone else's expense.

   How can we stop bullying? If we stand up for ourselves will they laugh at me? Will they say I'm soft? Will they say they never did anything wrong? I am saying enough is enough and that they can't get a rise out of me.Will they say I will leave her alone ? Make them stop! Make this end! Stand up against bullying , because if you don't it will never end. Some people may think that if  you cant beat them then you might as well join them. That makes you a bully to. Even standing by while someone is being bullied is wrong. It is like watching someone get abused and not trying to help them. No one should be bullied because it's morally wrong. What have you done to change this issue?